less than 1 minute read

Evidence-based content drives the future of Precision Medicine

Helena F. Deus, Katie Scranton, Rui Fa, Finlay Maclean, Thom Pijnenburg, Jabe Wilson and Mevan Samarasinghe


The size and breadth of data available across the health care fields has led to vivid discussions around the possibilities of applying artificial intelligence (AI) to support decision making in clinical settings. While AI can perform incredibly well on discrete tasks, attempts to apply it to larger, more complex problems in medicine have fallen short. In this article, we propose that such challenges should instead be tackled with intelligence augmentation (IA), an approach that integrates AI methods with human expertise. Of paramount importance in this approach is that an AI-based system must be integrated within an existing physician workflow and empower the physician to be the central decision maker. In this application of intelligence augmentation, practicing precision medicine would not require a drastic shift in a physician’s workflow, but instead would use modern, efficient alternatives to traditional clinical decision support.

